Game of War

An online game involving receiving unconsenting anal sex without the use of lube or a complimentary reach-around.
I've been playing Game of War for 2 weeks now, and my ass still hurts!
by FaithPlusOne April 13, 2016
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game of war

Act of laying on your back while receiving a blow job
We played a game of war last night. I layed on my back while she blew the hell out of me!
by TDonovan October 27, 2007
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Game War

A stupid ass war that people that engage in it think they're better than everyone else just because they hate on games they don't like. You can have your opinions on games, you don't have to like a certain game, but just don't shove your hate for a game down our ass.
Game war person: Fortnite is 💩🤮🚮, minecraft =👑, and anyone who disagrees is gay !1!!1!
Me: nobody gives a shit
by Leninent July 10, 2020
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The console/gaming war

A war in which the fan boys of both PlayStation and X-box argue about which is better.PC fan boys stand by and claim to be "the glorious PC master race"often stating(just as much as console fan boys)that they're are best,and are to up themselves to realize they're just as bad.All the while Nintendo stays in the background gaming and doing exactly what the PC fan boys claim to be doing,and for that they're discriminated against.Oh and by the way no I am not a Nintendo fan boy.
The console/gaming war:
PlayStation BEST!
by DON'TWORRYI'MLEGIT December 5, 2013
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Game wars kid

A kid who thinks hes cool bcs he argues about a game bcs he unhappy in his life
Eww fortnite is so bad I love doing game wars kids ur not cool
by The55 February 25, 2021
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Video game war president

He's gay
Video game war president is gay
by Game wars don't exist September 22, 2020
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