Sex Goddess
Female form of Angel Gabriel
Most Beautiful and Charming girl
The girl of which all males love
Typically has brown hair and brown eyes
hard not to love
Guy 1:"I just had sex with that girl last night, but she never told me her name. She's irresistible."

Guy 2: "That's Gabrielle. I had sex with her this morning."

Guy 3: "She's my girlfriend."
by Anders-or-not-here-I-cum March 4, 2012
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She is most likely solid in what she does. She is smart,by book or by experience, and is a great person to talk to. A Gabrielle does not take crap from others. And she is quick with a comeback on almost every occasion. A Gabrielle is open to a range of food and activities, and has a wide range of friendships and relationships. A Gabrielle is a great to have as a friend, but terrible to have as an enemy.
Who's the new girl?
-She's a Gabrielle
by PeoplePerson22 July 25, 2011
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Gabrielle has booty like Beyoncé. She is also very beautiful but a lot of the time doubts her slef.She is thick all around and will make u the happiest guy in the world when in a relationship with her. If a guy is in a relationship with a Gabrielle hold on to her cause she will always love and care about u. Gabrielle is the type of girl to cry over a guy she truly loves. If ur a guy and u like a girl Gabrielle,tell her cause chances are she likes u back. If a Gabrielle every hurts u she didnt do it purposely. She will apologize, just wait!
Gabrielle is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen I wish I could be with her
by Lover246 November 14, 2018
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Gabrielle is a very kind girl, often born with blue eyes and brown hair. Gabrielle is very attractive and sweet. She can be bossy, but a true friend through thick and thin. she is caring, usually tall and likes to speak her mind. She is very good looking and any guy would want her. If you ever are friends with Gabrielle, never let her go!
Friend: Oh look! It's Gabrielle!
You: Damn, she looks great today!
Friend: Doesn't she always?
by MuffinKiwi June 26, 2019
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Gabrielle is the best person you will ever meet. She is funny, protective, athletic, caring, sweet, honest, kind, and beautiful.She has wavey brown hair, blue eyes with a little brown in them around her pupil, and is usually shorter than others. She loves soccer and can play the piano. Her birthday is around mid-late July, she loves the color blue, she loves dogs, and her favorite seasons are winter and summer. All the guys want to be with her and all the girls want to be like her. She can fall in love easily, but watch out! If you take one wrong step, she can turn as cold as a freezer against you. She is strong, and takes no ones bull crap. She has caring friends and family, but she does have some sad things in her life, but that doesn’t bring her down. Her singing voice is incredible, and she is one of the most popular people ever.
Guy 1: oh my god, Gabrielle is amazing. I wish she was mine.
Guy 2: Too late. Ya know that Brendan guy? The one who likes her? I hear she likes him back
Guy 1: Well he better treat her right, or she will turn cold hearted against him. AND SO WILL I!!

Girl 1: UGH, I wish I was like Gabrielle. She is sooo cool!!
Girl 2: Yeah, you are lucky your her friend!
by CanIgetaHoya6 June 17, 2018
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Beautiful princess, has bad habits she can’t get over but it, Nice and kind, always helpful , lies but is sumwhat trustworthy. She always is indecisive always but makes up her mind with friends. morning baby , crazy , can fight, silly nd goofy, funny, and smart all around loving person.
Gabrielle a friend you would want by your side 💜
by Parriiiii March 17, 2019
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