Lit., "fucking knucklehead" Usually reserved for someone who stubbornly adheres to false principles or consistently acts irresponsibly; generally, an idiot.
"She hates your guts, you fucklehead! Quit calling her!"
by Darhug April 9, 2009
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I came across a fucklehead today. He said he couldn't get 10 pounds of sugar in a 5 pound bag.
by Daniel Hairston, Jr. July 7, 2007
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That chucklehead Rich fucked up real bad this time. He's become a disgrace to the chuckleheads. He's now a fucklehead.
by JayRoq October 26, 2005
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Someone who is more stupid than a knucklehead and fucks things up for you
You are a fucklehead.
Stop being a fucklehead
He was being such a fucklehead last night I couldn’t be around him.
by Fridgelover69 April 13, 2019
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