The constant need to fuck with things real or imagined
by Tooldevil April 17, 2018
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The insiatiable urge to fuck!
It is a horrible affliction possessed by both genders, whereby the afflicted desires to fuck "Hunnyz" or "hunks" (in accordance with their sexual orientation). The subject's standards diminish rapidly as their "need to bang" grows out of control, to the point of being overwhelming. If diagnozed with fuckitis, one must bang quickly and frequently in order to quell/aleviate its debilitating symptoms and/or side-effects, which are (but are not limited to); paranoia, diarrhea, pain, depression, the feeling to "fuck a fatty cuz they're easy", constant boners/wide-ons and disslecksia (dyslexia).
1. Severe ailment
2. The human condition
3. Urge to bang a hottie
4. We all have it, don't kid yourself.
by Kneegrowdamus January 17, 2012
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Used to enhance and bring more emphasis to the word,"Fuck"or a phrase in which said word is contained therein.
by Momma eww May 22, 2017
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A word originating in a webtoon novel named "Brutally honest" used to show annoyance towards problems.
Person A: You forgot something
Person B: Fuckity
by Fuckity July 1, 2020
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A benign illness which causes afflicted people to pronounce a derivative of fuck in every sentence. Can happen to anybody, and lasts 12 to 48 hours.
college kid: That exam was fuckin hard. But the fuckin prof gave me an fuckin A! Fuck yeah !
grandpa: what's his problem?
mom: fuckitis.
by nageuse July 20, 2012
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1. infested with problems

2. Slang; crazy, broken, problematic
I cannot login to my email today. It is certainly acting real fuckity indeed.
by sudsandjunk March 15, 2016
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Having no interest in doing anything. A feeling of defeat. Giving up - essentially saying "fuck it" to everything
Not to be confused with "fuckedy" which is when things aren't going well or are slightly off - fuckity is just giving up.
I can't get him/her off the couch - he/she has just been fuckity since the break-up.
by RVLambo December 14, 2013
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