Fru Fru

1. very decorated or girly in nature

2. lacy or frilly in nature
Those pants are extremely fru fru.

That skirt is so fru fru.
by WhiteRavenSoars January 17, 2009
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Fru Fru

Sara: Did you see his big Fru Fru?
Tim: Yea, it's so cool.
by tennisqt1333 June 7, 2011
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Fru Fru

This means you just a straight up fruity ass bitch.
Yo man don't eat your banana like that you fru fru.
by GmanFresh January 8, 2015
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fru fru

Fru Fru, derived from the phrase spelled "frou-frou" meaning fancy, elegant or very elaborate.
The people in the wealthy section of town shops at all of the fru fru boutiques and stores.
by Urban Dictionary October 24, 2008
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fru fru

(adj) describing something that has a homosexual resemblance (mainly in males)
"That way he hugged him was fru fru"

"His shirt makes him look fru fru"
by xtine June 18, 2003
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fru fru

It is derived from a stupid misspelling and misinterpretation of a real word, "froufrou", meaning fancy trimmings, and it usually refers to women's clothing or a person's style of writing. It is not an adjective, although it is sometimes used as one.
That crap essay was nothing but fru fru.
by TheAuthorityonTrash April 26, 2010
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fru fru

Having to do with hippie organic free-range food
by Rhett Creighton February 2, 2005
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