The phrase you use when ever you are a middle school boy trying not to get in trouble by the teacher when about to cuss.
Oh my fu... ...fricking heck, she is so annoying!!
by DinoRo May 25, 2019
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The most offensive word that anyone can even comprehend, if you do so much as to mutter this phrase, when you perishness, you go to heckinity
this word is never to be uttered. -Jimbobulous Mishaechel Thine FiveteenETH (hecking fricking heck)
by Jimbobulous February 26, 2018
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When a heck evolves into a frick it becomes a heck frick. They are normally minecraft players but could turn into swags if used in the right way
by li lwankye under the blanky February 13, 2019
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when something is so bad that it falls under the category of doodoo heck frick egg
The outfit I wore to sleep last night was totally doodoo heck frick egg
by ppdestroyer49 March 7, 2019
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These words shall never be used.
You shall be punished by God if you utter these words.
God shall send you to the shadowrealm where you will rot in eternity.
Person 1: Your mom gay
Person 2: No U
Person 1: Heck Frick!
*God enters the room*
God: You are now banished to the shadowrealm, you heckfrick.
by DavveRM May 8, 2018
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