Foolish mortal

A mortal who does something so very foolish, that he is forever deemed a "foolish mortal." The antithesis of the foolish mortal is the immortal, who is never foolish.
Immortal: Hey, you foolish mortal over there!
Mortal: ?
Immortal: Thou art the foolish of mortals!
Foolish mortal: Nooooooo....!
by Unfoolish Immortal January 3, 2008
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Foolish Mortal

A strong, overpowering attacking that you say to your bullies. It is like that anime move that is forgotten and is also used to destroy the universe. It’s powers are too powerful for your liking.
Haha bro your bad
Foolish mortals, you don’t know anything about my powers and my capabilities
*other guy dies*
You do a anime deep laugh, and walk away.
by Go Kermit sewer side December 29, 2018
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Foolish Mortal

Something edgy people say to sound cooler than normal people when comparing each other. Generally doesn’t make sense contextually.
Guy 1: Oh, I’m only on episode two of season one of Lost.
Guy 2: Foolish Mortal! I’ve watched the entirety of the show six times!
Guy 1: Okay... cool, I guess?
by BomberJacknut April 11, 2019
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