
An incredibly cute, sincere, and lovely girl. She is liked by many guys.

She is sweet, intelligent, passionate, beautiful, and has a lovely smile.

The name for a guy with the same definition is woodchip.
Alexander: "Mereda is such a flowerpetal."
Erik: "No kidding! Have you seen her smile? It takes my breath away".
Edward: "I'm all over her."
by Clarediette February 26, 2010
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1. A beautiful girl
2. A synonym for "honey" and "sweetheart"
Example 1:

"You are such a flowerpetal with your hair down."

Example 2:

"Happy birthday, flowerpetal!"
by JeanYes February 28, 2010
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1. v. To steal or capture a guy's heart
2. n. A girl who has stolen or captured a guy's heart
Example 1:
Jo: "So did Anna flowerpetal you?"
Tom: "Most definitely. She's always on my mind now."

Example 2:
Tom: "So is Anna your flowerpetal?"
Tom: "Most definitely. She's always on my mind now."
by YoAnnaBanana5 March 1, 2010
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Having the characteristics of a flowerpetal.

Usually meant for a girl.

These characteristics include: sweet, intelligent, sincere, warm-hearted, beautiful, and very lovable.

The word for a guy with these characteristics is woodchippy.
Erik: You know that new girl, Clara? I finally got to know her. She turned out to be quite flowerpetally. I mean, she's humble but she is incredibly smart and so lovely.

Alex: Surely she can't compare to my sweetheart. Mereda is like the sun, making my dull life sparkle. She will always be in my heart.

Edward: True, Mereda is definitely flowerpetally. But so is my biology partner, Hariette. She helps me so much, making the ever-so-difficult class seem like first grade. And yet she never accepts a compliment.
by Clarediette February 27, 2010
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FlowerPetal Disease

FlowerPetal disease is a similar disease to Hanahaki, being quite similar to the coughing of flowers by Patient A The causing of FlowerPetal disease is from in relationship, one sided love, where Patient A or B show no reply of feelings back, but date the person pitfully, to taunt the relationship, pretending to love them, making the person who liked them, blindsided, unaware of the falsehood of lies being used against them, the person faking the love, may end up ignoring the person with feelings, or cheat on them, etc. breaking their hearts slowly, then break up with person who had feelings, hence causing FlowerPetal Disease, though, it is quite rare as chances of it happening are quite low, 2/10 people in a room may have it. Patients may use a mask when they first discover they have it, then get medicine prescribed for it once it becomes worse. Surgery is an option, though is quite risky of death. 5/10 patients who have gotten the surgery have died, others getting extremely bad symptoms after the surgery, leading to needing meds to help with that, or more surgeries, so most advise not to get the surgery, and to try the medicine to see if that works.

Usually as you have it longer, you will notice that you can predict or notice the days it will act up, or before you start coughing, the flowers invade a small portion of your lungs, making it harder to breathe, but do not make it too much harder to do daily actives, though making it where you may need to take more breaks.
Definition / Define:

a person coughing up flowers from a broken relationship once over
person coughs flowers from an illness because of onesided love

She stood up, leaving the room in a rush to the hall, and began coughing up damp white petals.

Do you have "FlowerPetal Disease"?

Flow-er- pet-al dis-ease
by eggs_cosplays February 17, 2022
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