Fine Then

Something to say after anything else is said.
Friend 1: Dude we should chill.
Friend 2: Fine then

Friend 1: Dude u hate that shit.
Friend 2: Nag dude u hate fine then.
by ZipMoney March 26, 2015
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fine fine fine

Whatever, fine fine fine..
by bingo chicken staple June 21, 2023
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Fine fine

The cousin to the definition of fine.

If someone is fine fine they the most sexy person on the planet, not just their body is fine but their face fine too.
Oh shit, you see her over there? She fine fine
by Bxrridge April 25, 2019
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It's fine it's fine

An expression to reinsure that, whatever the circumstances, it actually is fine.
-"I just found out I have AIDS"

-"It's fine it's fine"
by ckaram09 November 20, 2011
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it's fine

when a girl says it's fine, it's not fucking fine. You better find out what the fuck you did and fix it quick.
by 09o8ikuyhtgtbnyntiu November 2, 2014
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by D#!!!80!!! November 7, 2008
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it's fine

Something said when someone is offended and not actually fine, typically by women.
Dan: I'm sorry babe. I never meant to disrespect-
Ibesha: IT'S FINE. Really, it's fine. I just rly wanted chicken nuggets.
*Dan did not wake up the following day*
by Neytari May 1, 2018
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