An abbreviation of 'fanfiction' that has since expanded its meaning to include any piece of amateur written work, though is generally reserved for the online world.
by valmora February 14, 2005
A fiction story, fic is short for fiction. A story. Can be based on anything, and found in places such as Live Journal or
by Mazlove July 28, 2007
by a what? i do! ooh dexter May 10, 2017
VERB. The art of writing a fiction, fanfiction or story. Can be spelt with one 'c' or two.
PRESENT- ficcing
PAST- ficced or ficcing
PRESENT- ficcing
PAST- ficced or ficcing
PRESENT- "I'm ficcing right now, pass me that coffee"
PAST-"Dude, I ficced all last night," or "Dude, I was up ficcing all last night"
FUTURE- "I'm going to fic soon, but I need some inspiration..."
PAST-"Dude, I ficced all last night," or "Dude, I was up ficcing all last night"
FUTURE- "I'm going to fic soon, but I need some inspiration..."
by Kateus January 1, 2006
by Adrian April 19, 2005
by Shamrox March 15, 2005