A beautiful fun loving girl.
She likes drawing and eating.
Usually helpful and wise beyond her years.
Some times a smart ass but never piss her off or offend her family, they will eat you alive. {And look good while doing it!}
She can sometimes be full of her self, but is usually the best.
Finding her is rare, so appreciate it!!!
Hey, did you see that chick?
Yeah, she was such a Fabiha!
I know right.
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A beautiful, gentle and caring girl. Very smart and fabulous.
Usually wise beyond her years. Her temper may flare, but she can be calm and collected at times. She might look like she's glaring all the time, but on the inside, she feels lonely.

She can be a wonderful leader, but at times, can feel socially awkward. Her personality is confusing, she is often misunderstood, but people can get used to it if they give her a chance.

Fabiha has a big heart for those she cares about, but her heart can be easily shattered since it's fragile.
On the other hand, she will respond coldly to those she has no interest in.
Any guy who fully catches her love and attention is considered one of the luckiest guys in the world. If he does not notice her, then he does not know what he's missing out on.

Don't insult or hurt her family or friends - she will kill you slowly and painfully, on the inside.
Person 1: You see that girl?
Person 2: Yeah bro, why?
Person 1: She's such a Fabiha.
by Cookies and Love October 11, 2015
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A beautiful, sloth-like girl with an awful sleep schedule.
Loves to eat sweet foods (e.g. french toast).
A low-maintenance softie with a lovely smile.
"Why is she still asleep, it's 2pm?"
"I know right, what a Fabiha."
by Chickenshoplover123 November 22, 2021
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the smartest, cutest, funniest, coolest baddest b of them all. her mind is as beautiful as her soul. shes sophisticated but childish at the same time. one look and youd fall in love because shes just so beautiful. shes hot enough to make any mans jaw drop as she walks by. shes so hot she has to stay covered up or else everyone would loose their minds. shes so smart and caring and compassionate. the care she has is enough to make anyone melt. her humor is stupid af just like her she still manages to make people laugh and become infatuated with her. she is the most passionate and inspiring person youll meet. she will make anyone fall deeply in love. probably bc she does black magic though. she smells like feet but still manages to smell good at the same time. i love everything about her from the size of her big ass forehead to the the shadow of the little mustache to the sight of her crooked ass teeth to the to the smell of her stanky ass to the sight of her witch toes. every single thing about her is charming to me. even her annoying ass jokes and teasing. got the humor of a 3rd grader. she makes me wanna be the best version of me all the time. i wanna be someone who she can rely on for anything. someone who can make her happy all the time. ima shut up now. <3
yo she such a fabiha
by January 1, 2023
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We call her the next President. She’s maybe a bit too nice and kind to everyone for her on liking. She’s basically squidward as she had only played the clarinet her entire middle school years. One day she will go to cornell and become the president. Is a bit of a weirdo and only talks about the joestars and bleach all the time and won’t shut up about it. Loves eren jaeger with a passion. Is really short the height of a 4th grader at max.
Is that Momo Fabiha over there watching peak?
by jjbalover March 11, 2022
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