When you don't mean what you just said. (A shorter word for just kidding)
"I'm 30 beers deep, eej!!"

"Ya i got into one last night, three broads at once, eej!!"
by --Hamill June 3, 2009
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shortened version of the term eejit (irish slang for idiot) used affectionatly
a bit like the use of 'oh silly'
(after stupid things been said)'haha i cant believe you just said that youre such an eej'

'you eej!'
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shortened version of the term eejit (irish slang for idiot) used affectionatly
a bit like the use of 'oh silly'
(after stupid things been said)'haha i cant believe you just said that youre such an eej'

'you eej!'
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Daves going for the World Record
Look at all, of Dave's Definitions!!
by life September 30, 2004
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