(Adv.) A state of mental confusion and severe short-term memory loss that follows in the wake of an ecstasy bender. One who is E tarded often exhibits the characteristics of being stoned. There is some debate as to whether e-tardedness is caused by ecstasy itself or by the effects of being awake, undernourished, and dehydrated for 24+ hours.
Sam: Hey Ann, you wanna call a cab?
Ann: Hm? My cellphone. What?
Sam: Jesus Ann, you're totally E tarded. Where's your cell?
Ann: Uh, what were we just talking about?
Ann: Hm? My cellphone. What?
Sam: Jesus Ann, you're totally E tarded. Where's your cell?
Ann: Uh, what were we just talking about?
by Luciano Del Purgatorio June 22, 2006
by raver1981 August 1, 2006
by T.ShNooKs August 21, 2006
1.one who is still feeling sketchy off the effects of ecstacy.
2.those who are retarded due to excessive use of ecstacy.
2.those who are retarded due to excessive use of ecstacy.
1.when i wake up in the morning and feel a crazy afterglow from the rave last night, i feel e-tarded.
2.those e-tards in the corner of a rave that stand around like dumbasses talking about nothing and giving eachother massages.
2.those e-tards in the corner of a rave that stand around like dumbasses talking about nothing and giving eachother massages.
by pinky July 1, 2004
by Mellissa What? November 24, 2006
The is the side effects the day after taking exctacy. Much like a hang over. You can't fully function. You may drop or forget thing you normally wouldn't.
Person 1: Eh did you go to Molly's party last night?
Person 2: Yea. I thizzed so hard! Man I was rollin balls. I'm "e-tarded" today.
Person 2: Yea. I thizzed so hard! Man I was rollin balls. I'm "e-tarded" today.
by VelvNigga. November 17, 2009