E tarded

(Adv.) A state of mental confusion and severe short-term memory loss that follows in the wake of an ecstasy bender. One who is E tarded often exhibits the characteristics of being stoned. There is some debate as to whether e-tardedness is caused by ecstasy itself or by the effects of being awake, undernourished, and dehydrated for 24+ hours.
Sam: Hey Ann, you wanna call a cab?
Ann: Hm? My cellphone. What?
Sam: Jesus Ann, you're totally E tarded. Where's your cell?
Ann: Uh, what were we just talking about?
by Luciano Del Purgatorio June 22, 2006
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E tarded

"Man i was e tarded that night"
by Lilibuggs May 10, 2006
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e tard

Someone whose brain is fried from taking too much E.
"Don't roll every weekend or you'll become an e tard"
by raver1981 August 1, 2006
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E Tard

Someone who is stupid from overuse of extacy
Or someone who overuses it.
"Beth is totally an E Tard ... "
"You're turning into an E Tard"
by T.ShNooKs August 21, 2006
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1.one who is still feeling sketchy off the effects of ecstacy.

2.those who are retarded due to excessive use of ecstacy.
1.when i wake up in the morning and feel a crazy afterglow from the rave last night, i feel e-tarded.

2.those e-tards in the corner of a rave that stand around like dumbasses talking about nothing and giving eachother massages.
by pinky July 1, 2004
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The way of acting and the feeling after use of the drug Ecstasy.
Man, Poofy was soo E-Tarded today.
by Mellissa What? November 24, 2006
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The is the side effects the day after taking exctacy. Much like a hang over. You can't fully function. You may drop or forget thing you normally wouldn't.
Person 1: Eh did you go to Molly's party last night?

Person 2: Yea. I thizzed so hard! Man I was rollin balls. I'm "e-tarded" today.
by VelvNigga. November 17, 2009
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