16 definitions by pinky

A word made up out of necessity to keep the bloodthirsty nations out of connection with the under ground pie world. Quite literally means "chicken pot pie". Now you know... use this information wisely. . .
"Wow what an amazing slice of floorkindorkinshnizzlepoo!"
by pinky September 15, 2004
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1.one who is still feeling sketchy off the effects of ecstacy.

2.those who are retarded due to excessive use of ecstacy.
1.when i wake up in the morning and feel a crazy afterglow from the rave last night, i feel e-tarded.

2.those e-tards in the corner of a rave that stand around like dumbasses talking about nothing and giving eachother massages.
by pinky July 1, 2004
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Elmo is the bestestestestestest
by pinky March 31, 2004
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what you say when you have no idea what to say or when you're bored.
"doobeedoobeedoo... soo.. what's new?"
by pinky April 14, 2005
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a drink used to finish off a night of drinking, composed of apple sauce and rubbing alcohol, known to cause terrible nightmares
Man, that delaware destroyer you mixed me up made me dream hitler rounded my family up in a cage
by pinky April 8, 2005
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A god damn gorgeous member of VZi
Ooooo ello Pinky, nice split!
by pinky January 29, 2004
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A slang version of the word hundred, 100
These sneaks is one hunit dollars.
by pinky January 26, 2005
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