A current popular meme of a distorted image of the popular Youtuber Markiplier's face on the body of Lord Farquaad, a character from the classic movie "Shrek". The meme is often used accompanying words or sentences that contain the letter E.
Example 1: Wall-E *insert Wall-E with Markiplier's face*
Example 2: E = mc2 *insert Einstein with Markiplier's face*
Example 3: Chuck E Cheese (yeah you get the point)
by Random_British_Immigrant July 11, 2018
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A smiley used to describe a three-toothed vampire walrus.
Person 1- :E
Person 2- wtf is that??
Person 1- a three-toothed vampire walrus. isn't it fangtastic?
Person 1- ur done.
by Fangy Fang Fang Fang December 20, 2008
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you have nothing to search up
by Alt3rra June 19, 2020
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What you watch late at night when your twelve and have no access to real porn, all thanks to Wild On with Brooke Burke.
by Milo December 31, 2004
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the letter that comes after D
a, b, c, d, e <--------- there!
by Anonymous November 7, 2003
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