A doogan is a man's cock.
My doogan has been itchy.
by judbgrdmchn June 13, 2005
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Doogan, is another term for playing "Beer Pong" or "Beirut". Commonly associated with heavy drinking and playing Beer Pong until the wee hours of the morning.

Note: Most minorities are prohibited from the playing of Doogan, however, exceptions can always be made if they come bearing beer. The beer will be taken, and the minority expelled from the area.
"Lets Play Some Doogan!"

"Hey Chris, can I come over later and play some Doogan?"

"Bro, I played so much Doogan this weekend".
by Dr. Doogan November 30, 2010
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To expose yourself as a porn fan by accidently showing DP pr0n images that you thought were a glitch on google maps, when in fact they were just cached on your own computer.
"That n00b just pulled a doogan! I don't think we'll be seeing him post again anytime soon..."
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the male reproductive organ; penis, schlong, cock, etc.
"The ladies sure do love my doogan!"
by jw34476 June 20, 2005
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A wireless internet network that you use without paying for.
"Hey Kat, do you have wireless."
"No, just connect to the Doogan."
by Bobby Webb October 29, 2006
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