dirty diva is the act of pinning your partner to the ground and rubbing your pussy so hard on their neck that you choke them causing their face to turn red, all while drinking a bottle of whiskey
she's so dangerous, she did the dirty diva on me yesterday!
by i love daglua September 12, 2021
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Popularized by the video game World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic, a Glaive Diva is any person who receives a piece of substantially good loot (such as a Warglaive from the raid Black Temple), and gains a sense of entitlement to more loot or more self importance than they otherwise deserve.
Fernando: Hey, did you hear that Honsol got a Warglaive last night?
Jason: Yeah but it totally went to his head. What he got that, he told the guild that they weren't worthy of him and quit.
Fernando: Wow, what a Glaive Diva!
Jason: I know. Good riddance.
by FlyingTire123 August 2, 2022
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a diva mama is a girl who had a baby but is still so damn cool she makes everything else look dweeb.
She stands out she is unconventional.
She rocks.
she takes her baby to unusual holidays

baby is her best friend and it really looks like they are hanging out together.

'look at that girl with her baby, she wrote him his own song today - diva mama big style
by sistawivavoice July 26, 2010
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Flexing one's muscles either literally or figuretively . Seems to be a practice common amongst celebrities of various ilks and persuasions.
1 Rhonda rowsey performed her diva flex by showing off her biceps just before the boxing match. 2 sly stallone did. His diva flex by arriving to the set in a golf cart and insisting that none of the crew look him in the eye or speak directly to him.
by 4realazitgits March 26, 2021
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Dina diva is a petty fat guy that hogs food and has to have everything go his way.
by Socks_Thacker January 19, 2019
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A tasty diva is someone who shitted there self in class and had a Stinkypoo stuck to there pants, someone who has a lot of attention when they sing
You’re basically a tasty diva cause you shit where you want in public
by Juku smith March 23, 2021
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A conceited / difficult individual who thinks so highly of themselves and or perceived talent that a negative connotation of being a "Bitch Diva" is applied. Especially when describing a dude who exhibits such behavior, to which the term "Bitch Diva Complex" would be appropriated.
Nigga you think you're all that, but really yo punk-ass gotta Bitch Diva Complex!
by Westside Digital Pimp April 16, 2022
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