Digital Immigrant

Someone who was born before the existence of digital technologies and adopted it to some extent later in life.
Once a digital immigrant, Bob later learned how to use a smart phone.
by Millard Snipplewitz September 7, 2011
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Digital Immigrant

Someone that was born before the digital world started.
These people tend to be Digital Immigrants Old People Seniors Senior Citizens really anyone that you wouldnt consider young like your parents.
by Self Deprecating Geek October 17, 2011
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digital immigrant

Somebody who has popped up on an Internet site because of clicking on a link (sometimes accidentally). They don't have the slightest idea where they are at, but read the site information out of curiosity, and occasionally buy items if they are listed for sale.
A lot of digital immigrants have popped up on my site. I'm getting rich because they are buying my books!
by Joe Neubarth June 15, 2007
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digital immigrant

Someone who grew up before the digital age and is fairly new to the internet. Basically anyone over the age of 28.
YouTube is foreign to the digital immigrant.
by Oingodeboingo November 11, 2004
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digital immigrant accent

The way a digital immigrant speaks, writes and behaves that reveals his/her lack of experience in using ICTs.

See also: digital native & digital immigrant

A term coined by Marc Prensky in his book Digital Game Based Learning
"The digital immigrant accent includes going slowly, going step-by-step, using outlines for organisation, reading manuals, going to the internet second rather than first. Digital natives find this accent and approach very hard to deal with" Marc Prensky in an elearning post interview
by Oingodeboingo November 11, 2004
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Digital Immigrant

A blog about libraries, higher education, and technology.
Did you see what was posted at the Digital Immigrant blog today?
by Millard Snipplewitz September 7, 2011
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