3 definitions by Oingodeboingo

The way a digital immigrant speaks, writes and behaves that reveals his/her lack of experience in using ICTs.

See also: digital native & digital immigrant

A term coined by Marc Prensky in his book Digital Game Based Learning
"The digital immigrant accent includes going slowly, going step-by-step, using outlines for organisation, reading manuals, going to the internet second rather than first. Digital natives find this accent and approach very hard to deal with" Marc Prensky in an elearning post interview
by Oingodeboingo November 11, 2004
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A person who grew up with ICTs.

Antonym: digital immigrant
See also: digital immigrant accent

These terms were coined by Marc Prensky in his book Digital Game Based Learning
"A big part of our education problems stems directly from the fact that Digital Immigrants - who comprise most of our teachers - are not very fluent in the language that Digital Natives speak." Marc Prensky in an elearningpost interview
by Oingodeboingo November 11, 2004
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Someone who grew up before the digital age and is fairly new to the internet. Basically anyone over the age of 28.
YouTube is foreign to the digital immigrant.
by Oingodeboingo November 11, 2004
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