A mythical programming language, similar to C++, where you describe in a text file how you want someone to die, usually in a gruesome way, and the compiler 3D renders a video file of the death complete with blood and guts. A game which I wish they would make but the do-gooders won't allow it because they think it will make kids go on killing sprees.

--sample Death++ code:--
/* mayandrink.dpp Mayan Sacrifice */
#include <athame.h>
#include <goblet.h>

while throat(victim1) not bleeding{
waitVblankStart()/* wait for blood to start oozing out */
while throat(victim1) bleeding and goblet not full{
goblet.place(underthroat) /*catch the blood in the goblet */
/* the grand finale! drinking the human blood! */
Lamer1: "I'm bored, lets play the game Dance Dance Revolution:Skyclad Forest Edition!"
Man1: "Naw, let's make a Mayan Sacrifice Ritual video in Death++!"
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1. A horrible disease that's almost as bad a pregnancy. Symptoms include not living anymore, your body decaying, all of your money and possessions being given to relatives you may or may not know, and your body being put underground forever or being set on fire.

2. Like sleep, only more permanent.

3. Sleep's cousin.
1. Joe got hit by a bus and caught death.

2. Mom: O, Jimmy, grandma isn;t sleeping, she's dead!
Jimmy: Nooooooo!

3. Sleep: Hi, Death!
Death: Yo wusup?
Sleep: Want to come over? I have some Tim Burton movies u might like.
Death: SWEET! K I'll b ther in an hour.
Sleep: K.
by the pwn3r March 3, 2007
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One of the many thing that could happen to you at IKEA
You could die at IKEA
by Triple J May 2, 2005
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the sweet release from this painful and utterly pointless life
She can't wait for death to release her from this painful and utterly pointless life.
by everything's been used February 21, 2018
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