When something's slightly moist but not to moist & slightly dry but not to dry.
by Lord_roro June 30, 2013
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Hey man! That's a damp looking car you have!
by dampness March 11, 2011
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A word used to describe something swaggy or cool.
Person 1: Wow! Look at my new shirt!
Person 2: That's the dampest shirt I've ever seen!
by October 21, 2020
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DAMP (dam-p) (adjective) - 1.) triflin, boo-boo, not good. 2.) T Wag-41
Example used in Sentence: "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaang, did you see that punk? He was looking TOO damp!" Second Example: "Man, that damp kid, aka t wag-41, is acting a fool.
by OfiveNfour November 9, 2011
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A way to describe someone or something that is always negative, a drag or brings people down.
Stacy is coming tonight? We’re trying to have a party bro, she always so damp!”

“This party is damp bro, let’s bounce.”
by Chris Roman February 15, 2022
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1. A classic silence breaker. Something you say when you don't know what else to come up with to keep the conversation going.

2. An adjective to describe something that's moist, in between soaking wet and dry.
Person 1: Do you know that game on Roblox, goes by the name of Phantom Forces?

Person 2: ...

Person 3: Damp

Person 2: I like Minecraft more.
by pvpcrafterz February 3, 2019
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Damp: (adj.) the state of being consumed by, or being ridden with something, good or bad. A state of being.
He's freakin' DAMP with stupid. Soaked like a mu' fu'.

When he overheard me say that, I was DAMP with fear.

She's damp with good vibes. Uh-huh

by Alisha&Emmett July 11, 2006
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