A word used to describe something that gives off “dad vibes”. Commonly used when referring to the hobbies of a white Midwestern dad. Things like golfing and 2016 alternative rock are somethings that could be described as “dadful”.
1.you: my father was listening to this dadful music
other: insert classic Dad band. Metallica?
You: yeah

2. friend: i listen to coldplay
you: damn, that’s dadful
by buttery69 July 2, 2021
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dad went to get the milk 15 years ago
by epic cool kid February 28, 2019
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something that vanishes
by Gh00stG0rl December 2, 2020
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A person that can either make your life great or turn your life to a disaster.
Homie: What happened to you, bro? Why are you broke?
Dude: My dad went for milk 13 years ago and my momma can't afford a great life. F*ck him
by Anonymousmf123 February 4, 2020
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The acronym for "day after drinking shits" applied to the morning bowel movements following a night of binge drinking. Usually dark black or green depending on the type of drink. Usually more liduidy than a normal piece stool.
"hey Ryan, Come check out the DADS i left in the toilet, I must have been drinking hypnotic last night"
by Devin B June 12, 2006
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Me: dad? Where did you go?
by Sparkle pussy March 21, 2019
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