D.O.A., A Bronx gang short for, " Dead On Arrival" is an upcoming aspiring gang with popular artists such as, Kay Flock, Set Da Trend, Chii- Wvtts, Yagi B, Dougie B, Murda B, Tay Banga, TG Crippy, Kenzo Balla, Rell Munna, Lil Worm, Drama EK, Jayripk Bklu, C Blu, Swervo Flocka, Nesto Balla, and more.
by Tay Banga March 15, 2023
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dumbest of all
me: who is he??
AnnAlyse: Oh. don't worry about him. he’s the DOA
by BobTheBuilder00 December 18, 2019
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queen of the bottoms

watch out she will steal ur pans

juice box and mcr addict

likes to trow brocoli
me: have you seen doa

another person: praise our bottom queen
by topenergydaddy May 17, 2020
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DOA means “Dumping On Everything” or “Dominate Over All”
Yo are you DOA or OYK?”
by Kore.8 January 27, 2023
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Big big doa nigga
Dead on arrival

Dominate over anyone
by bigfuckinflock December 28, 2022
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Doa is the kindest person in the world. They have a heart of gold and always put everyone in front of themselves. They tend to take care of everyone and make sure of everyone’s well being before their own.

They can change the whole mood in a room with just their presence. A dead quiet room can become a party because of them.
They have so much love to give and are really loyal. If you have a doa you should cherish them and always make them a priority because whenever you fall down they will be there for you to get you back up and help carry your baggage. When everyone is against you they will be there to support you.
Doas are one of a kind and if you have one never lose them because trust is big on them and once it’s broke it’s hard or even impossible to fix.
Doas deserve all the love in the world no words can describe how amazing they are.
And for such an amazing and cute person all you have to give her in return is food. 🥺
If you have a doa in your life cherish them and love them they deserve the best.
Doa is amazing

I love Doa which all my heart
by Bumbum01 July 21, 2021
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Any opps of the OY like Kay Flock and Sha Ek
Person 1: Yo mike you DOA??
Person 2:Yeah.
by JennyJulesRules February 7, 2023
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