Check out that Declan guy thats doing that stuff.
by Michael April 23, 2004
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An excessively annoying bastard that does stuff
Person1: hey your an excessively annoying bastard
Declan:Fucking really I didn’t know
by ZeFattedCunter June 11, 2018
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A very epic person, smoking hot, gets all the girls. He is the true messiah and saviour of the world. He is better than any fake and trash person like owen, or cheuk yin.
Owen:Damn, i wish i could be as cool as Declan
Cheuk yin: oh yeah, that man my dad
by Jude lemon boy November 5, 2019
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Declan is a loving and caring person he is always willing to help others. Declan is a very sporty and strong person that always tries his hardest and shows of the the girls. Once he finds the right girl he will take her on the best dates and give her all of his love and will always stick by her side.
Declan: hey wanna hang out tonight?
His crush: yeah sure!!
Declan: see you tonight!
*his crush smiles*
by His_crush July 30, 2018
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The guy who is about to give his teacher a mental breakdown tommorrow.
Declan:I didnt bring a p e n c i l
by mighty_overlord_of_mayo September 9, 2019
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The most sweetest, caring person you will ever meet. Even though he is a sweet, loving person, Declan will kick anyone’s ass anytime needed. Especially for his friends. He understands most people, and makes you laugh till you start to cry. Around Declan you can be yourself. He brings a positive energy to any space. He has the most gorgeous eyes, beautiful hair, and a great body. He’s athletic and cares about his friends. He gets good grades in school, and once you start to fall for him, there is most likely no way out. Declan is the most beautiful person, inside and out. If you have a Declan in your life, then I would keep him I were you because Declan’s are amazing, even if they make mistakes; but we are humans. He shows that he really does care about how you feel, and he tries everything he can to help you get through it.
Me: Hey Declan(in a sad way)

Him: Hey, whats the matter?
Me: oh ok so glad your here and asked me.
by c00kiez October 26, 2019
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Known for being good at football and usually fashionable declans can turn out gay but he will be really friendly

Whos that guy oh Declan he's so friendly
Oh yeah he's such a Declan he's the friendliest guy ever
by 2266 March 10, 2018
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