Cowis is a fetishist of consume or swallowing a male's semen in anyway not coming straight from the penis itself.

Stand for: Consume semen (Cum Off, With, In, or Some kind of odd way)
Cowis consuming: Cum (semen or sperm) off of a plate, the floor, the bed, somebody else, etc. with food, (strawberries, cup cake, salad, etc), in a cocktail, juice, milk, etc, or some kind of a odd way from a toothbrush, from a shot glass, a spoon, off the toes, from the face, etc. anyway but not straight from, around or off the penis.
by ToyBare January 2, 2010
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a slang term in the north east of england for ecstacy tablets.This came from the name of a biscuit factory where they were sold under the counter
"av just got four cowies for a tenner"
"cowied off me nut"
"look at his cowie jaw!"
by cowiemuncherdorey July 11, 2008
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'that bags full of chalk powder, not cowie mate, youve been jipped
by deathznow September 12, 2006
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An astronomical unit of measurement that is used by astrophysicists and theoretical scientists. It measures the singular gravitation at a single point in space realative to the summation of all bodies of mass that lay within pull of the specific point. The unit is based on a number of mass bodies, as the number approaches infinity, that affect the gravitation on a singular point. The unit specifies that the summation as the number approaches infinity of mass bodies lay at a distance of 1.00*10^7 km in any given direction, thus making the point of reference the center in a circle of raduis 1.00*10^7 with the outerline defined by an infinity number of masses all with mass of 1*10^20 kg.
The point force on the particle, in Cowies, is 3000 Cowies, or 3 Killacowies.
by Larson Lives Free April 13, 2010
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