During gay anal sex, after a guy anally creampies the other dude, when the guy still has crusty cum or shit still on his dick e.g. "corn" on his cob.
Dude: This guy totally fucked me in the ass the other night. But I forgot to clean my shitty asshole, so he still had corn on the cobb.
by milfather November 12, 2021
The rough cylinder left over after the corn is eaten off it. An item often found in out houses back in the day to remove clingons from uranus.
Possibly the most overlooked bargaining tool the west has ever had with the Arab world. They still wipe their ass with thier fingers - its true I swear!
Possibly the most overlooked bargaining tool the west has ever had with the Arab world. They still wipe their ass with thier fingers - its true I swear!
Just think of it! We've been throwing away corn cobbs for years and all along we could have been trading them for oil to our Saudi buddies. Hell its so obvious! They are the original corn holers!
by Roseanne LeVitre October 14, 2005
by Karl Andrews October 17, 2005
after performing anal sex with a woman you pull out and notice fecal matter on your penis. corn is usually undigested and can be seen in fecal matter...hence the corn referance
MAN 1 : "I was giving it to this drunk girl and i put it in her ass and she shitt all over my dick"
MAN 2 : Way to go corn cobb
MAN 2 : Way to go corn cobb
by Truefate May 20, 2004
Deborah has such a huge cunt that she had to use the Nebraska Corn Cobb to pleasure herself. Go Huskers!
by Brett 4 November 10, 2006