
A Copland is a person (usually male) who performs acts of a sexual nature with vegetation, especially shrubs or trees. In many cases Coplands have been observed to form an emotional bond to a favoured plant, often talking to it or staying to cuddle after the sex act is complete.

There is increasing evidence that becoming a Copland may be linked to being ginger.

Whilst not actually illegal being a Copland is discouraged in most cultures.
'Did you hear about the guy who had to be treated for splinters in his penis'

'Yeah apparently he's a Copland'
by thinner than Seymour February 2, 2010
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a word used for a person with great looks who can perform amazing sexual feats
"wow you were great last night, a real copland"
by TheHumanDickshunary May 24, 2017
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Melba Copland secondary school is pretty much hell in a nutshell. It is a school in the Canberra region and a common place for eshays. If you know about Melba Copland Secondary School, Dont go there
Your as bad As Melba Copland Secondary School!
by WiseManRobert March 12, 2020
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Amber Grace Copland

A best friend that will do anything for you. They will also cheer you up when you feel down and they will make you feel humoured if you do not feel great. The room will light up as soon as she enters the room. She will also bring along her humourous and unique sidekick Tyler the burrito boy.
We all need an Amber Grace Copland in our lives.
by 369 69 March 31, 2022
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