Colorado is the most beautiful place anyone can go to! And some definitions say that everyone thats from Colorado either does drugs or are bratty. Well I for one live in Colorado and yeah sure there are druggies and some people that are brats here but they're everywhere.The mountains here are amazing :) Especially during a sunset it's so pretty! People in Colorado can be extremely kind (most people are) or not the nicest it just depends on the person. Theres no beach here but we have all kids of other things to do like skiing, snowboarding, and even hiking :) Its really dry here but the people who live here are used to it :) The elevation is a mile above sea level and people who come here are more likely to get alltitude sickness. So if you visit stay hidrated! The weather in Colorado changes so quickly! One minute I'll be biking with friends and an hour later it will be pouring rain or so hot we have to stay inside. But it's kinda fun never knowing whats going to happen next :) Well thats all I have to say :) Thanks for reading this :)
I love living here, everything about Colorado is amazing :) The mountains, the people, and the unpredictable weather :)
by Lafanda Sykes July 26, 2009
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Colorado is the 38th state which joined the union in 1876 and is the eighth largest state in America. Colorado has arid deserts, river canyons and snow covered mountains. Colorado 's flower symbol is the Rocky Mountain Columbine. Colorado 's state capital is Denver,Denver is also famous for being close to the Rocky Mountains.
Kyle: Colorado is the best state in America.
Todd: No one gives a shit Kyle.
Kyle:Todd I was just saying my opinion you don't have to get so pissed off by it jeez...
Todd:Just shut up.
by aRandomNoob7 November 15, 2020
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In which a state where there are giraffes on skis photobomb a persons video while screaming " I'M A GIRAFFE "
"Say Colorado 'I'M A GIRAFFE'
by BlueKnife75431 April 15, 2020
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Kind of a low key Montana. Tough guys, tough girls, big trucks, 4 wheel drives, idiots that can't drive in snow, and not everyone is addicted to weed and skiing/snowboarding. That is a steriotype
Person 1: Hey where you from?
Person 2: Colorado
Person 1: so you smoke weed and snowboard
Person 2: *slaps person 1 and yells, how would you like it if I said sense your from California all you are the same with a lot of money and running in slow motion on the beach!!!
by Ford_ktm March 27, 2016
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is shaped like Wyoming
Is this rectangle I see on the map Wyoming or Colorado?
by NHRHS2010 March 3, 2011
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Colofornia, aka Colorado: cow town, unknown affordable state, was more like the wildwest in the rual areas, but now just a tourists slut, and druggie meca. The state if full of trust fund babies from either coast, pot heads, tree fucking yuppies libtards, californians, closet-queer hipster twinks, grossly rich pumpus ass republicans and a bunch of douch bag out of state poeple who are ruining everything that was colorado. This state is full of robots who follow what ever the latest fad is, from yoga and suburu, to every one having to have a dog, being on a gluten free diet (but can drink $10 beer), hating anyone who has work for living and can think for them selves. Traffic is horrible, poeple have no respect, everywhere smells like pot, meth or herion junkies at every bus stop and in ever ER constantly, low wages, high rent, lack of full time work, over packed hiking trails, bills to close more trails due to over use (example hanging lake). Self entitled coke snorting, pot vaping, trust fund babies.
COLOFORNIA- aka; Colorado: lets go get ripped and shred some powders on the slopes. If we cant afford the weed we'll try meth, its cheaper anyway.
by Polyfemphilia October 29, 2017
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A mountainous state is the western U.S. best known for its Mother Nature on crack weather, over celebrated weed culture, pathetic Broncos fans with serious inferiority complexes, horrendous drivers, more east coast transplants than CA, OR and WA combined (but they still bitch about “Calforniacation”), where plaid, beards, dogs, and Subaru’s are the standard operating procedure, and where brainwashed liberals think they are saving the earth by shopping at Whole Foods and redefining modern culture by ripping on conservatives, Christians and the AFA in Colorado Springs (never mind they elected a Communist Governor). One redeeming quality is the epic skiing...but even that’s ruined by the idiot liberals, snobs, and douchebags that move from the east coast. Used to be great. Now just a painful lesson in how to wreck a state by letting the idiot marxists have control.
Don’t Colorado your life.

You’ve made plenty on mistakes in life, but at least you didn’t Colorado it like Mike did!
by Idiot liberal February 27, 2019
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