what the new york giants do against the phillidelphia eagles
the giants suffered an epic collapse in the 4th quarter againts the eagles giving up 28 unanswered points
by tikibobby December 19, 2010
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The prevention of a woman from having sex with another woman. Similar to cockblocking, but applied to the lesbian persuasion.
"We collapsed Delia's cave like water in a salt mine. Dyn-o-mite!"

"I was about to score with this real hard dike from the city. Tattoos and the like. But, Davey fucking waltzed in and bricked up my cave like I was a dead Jesus or something."

For all the kiddies out there. Don't cockblock. Don't cave collapse.
by Navarond July 25, 2008
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1. (n.) The sides of a fat woman that are compressed by pants so badly that skin and fat pours over the sides of the pants, looking like a collapsed soufflé.

Note: This is a more severe condition than a muffin top in that even moderately heavy girls can get a bit "muffiny", but only genuinely obese women can have a collapsed soufflé.

2. (n.) The skin of a woman's stomach after pregnancy, when it looks deflated and wrinkly, like a collapsed soufflé.

This condition may also affect other parts of the body after liposuction.
Kat: Hey Jenny, I guess you turned the oven off too early.

Jenny: What ever do you mean by that?

Kat: You totally have a collapsed soufflé.

- or -

Kat: Aw, Brenda, your baby is so cute.

Brenda: Whatever, that little ass gave me the worst case of collapsed soufflé!

Kat: Yeah he did. I think it's dragging on the floor. ::throws up::

- or -

Doctor: Who the hell was eating dessert in my OR?!

Nurse: Um, doctor, that's the patient.

Doctor: By god she's fat.

- or -

French Chef: Bon! My finest soufflé is finally ready for le "prime time"!

Oaf Busboy: ::knocks into table::

Soufflé: ::collapses::

French Chef: You oaf! Get ze hell out of my kitchen!

Oaf Busboy: Fuck you, chef! That thing looks like your mother's hips!
by scorpionmintred March 18, 2010
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When one is done jerking off in another room when people are in the house, the Relief Collapse is the refreshing flop onto your bed in a haze of post-nut clarity with the relief that no one knew you were masturbating.
Tyler: Man, the relief collapse makes the post-nut high even better. Just gets all the worries out.
by Spriiing May 30, 2020
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a popular song in the album "the eminem show", featuring some of the greatest hip hop artists ever. Eminem, 50 Cent, Nate Dogg, and Tupac.
yo nigga, you hear that new rhyme from the eminem album?
naw dawg, whats it called?
till i collapse.
by beast274life November 14, 2010
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Bambi cums and cums, bambi cums so hard and she goes all limp
Daddy: Good girl bambi, do you want some cummies
Bambi: Yes daddy please
Daddy: Bambi cum and collapse
by Bambi Sleep January 1, 2023
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A chronic issue where after you start to hit puberty, your body suddenly starts to conform back to the state of pre-puberty, and all gained puberty traits near instantly vanish in one swift sweep.

Similar to a voice crack, but for all of puberty's traits.
Guy: Dude, while I was in the middle of a voice crack, I suddenly experienced Pubescence Collapse Disorder; it felt so awkward.

Lax bro: Woah dude, that's so bro!
by The definder September 24, 2011
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