when a child is coddled all of the time
Laney lives in coddle city, she gets away with EVERYTHING
by olive pizza because April 18, 2020
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An old bitch who pesters businesses all abroad. Also known as one who trips on Dog Defeating, and who cannot take no for an answer.
Don't you Linda Coddle me Fucker, I already told you no!
by Lt Dan 47 May 14, 2010
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When you take your time to drink and sip your drink.
-Hey, why are you not drinking your wine?
- Oh, I'm just coddling it, don't want to go too fast!
by loeiktiajns December 6, 2020
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The parental behavior of letting their child use the baby bottle too long.
You don't have to bottle coddle him. You should wean him off breast milk.
by Ereck Flowers November 21, 2018
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Don't bottle coddle him. Let him learn to drink from a cup.
by Ereck Flowers May 3, 2019
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