A beautiful outgoing young women, who live's life to the fullest, very caring and kind. Respects herself and the people around her, but still fun to be with even wild at time's. Can always brighten your day and make you smile. She's the kind of girl who dances in the rain instead of letting the storm pass, taking risk by all means. She' a keeper and a true friend, loyal.
by Mommy Mccall July 14, 2011
When you purposefully leave an object or item of clothing at your one night stands house, just so you can see them again.....although they have your number.
"Chris Cinderellaed me last night by leaving his fraternity Pin on my desk. I think he wants to see me again.....why doesn't he just text me?"
by YourePhinestHighness October 29, 2017
by Megi July 8, 2013
To decide not to totally smash a night out and get mashed until the early hours. To finish the festivities by midnight and leave a memory of your radiant and unpissed self. And have the benefit of waking up not feeling like a badger is building a set in your head.
Hey love let's Cinderella it tonight...there's no way I want pictures of my mashed up face on Facebook tomorrow and we've got to see your folks for lunch and there's no way I can do that with a massive shitbag of a hangover.
by Sir Bobbles of Brearshire January 6, 2016
In sports, specifically the playoffs, a Cinderella is a team that does better than expected near the beginning and then quickly fades.
A true Cinderella story: A 13 seed gets into the sweet 16 of the NCAA Basketball Tournament, and is destroyed by an 8 seed.
by guided fox March 22, 2005
A slaved woman that cleans up for everyone and is so affectionate who marries a guy that has danced with a lot of beautiful mysterious women.
That's what a Cinderella is, why does she always fall for the same type of guy after he is so used.
Cinderella and her man are both used.
Cinderella and her man are both used.
by littlemisspiggy December 6, 2009
Cinderella..." is mentally abused shut-in from a kingdom far, far away. She likes sushi and hot-tubbing any time. Her hobbies include cooking and cleaning for her two evil sisters."
well..err thats what the magic mirror told me anyway.
well..err thats what the magic mirror told me anyway.
Peron 1 : oooo I like eating sushi whilst taking a bath!
Person 2: who do you think you are?! cinderella?!
Person 2: who do you think you are?! cinderella?!
by fairiebaby April 29, 2011