"We were smoking last night and he was the first to back out of the circle"
"Wow. way to Chuck out..."
"Wow. way to Chuck out..."
by Jesi122 July 5, 2009
by Dave36 February 28, 2006
by Parsefone April 29, 2007
Chuck it out means to dispose of something that is no longer wanted. This can mean literally throwing it away or recycling or selling, but not reusing for a different purpose. It can also mean forcing an obnoxious person to leave a location.
by AKACroatalin February 2, 2016
its abit chuck out your chintz
by ovation May 17, 2008
to strategically place onesself in several different rotations of either a blunt, bong, or a bowl, only making short appearances when it is your turn to smoke, and leaving shortly after
We all knew that jim had chucked-out when he became absent minded and accidentally ended up with a blunt in each hand, and the bowl, still burning, in his lap.
by ryan habeeb December 21, 2006