That's MY GIRL
Don't be fucking with my Elena AKA Tenzi Chacha - Kelsey and she said "I ain't worried about nothin" lol she cray cray and I love it
by kcsknowsbest February 6, 2022
Something you say when you are ready to fucking party. Can be day or night, doesn’t matter. Chacha Malingaaaaaaa!
by Pug girl December 12, 2019
the act of unfriending and refriending a significant other in facebook. This could happen many times over, and may or may not include corresponding status changes.
by erikhighlander March 18, 2012
(Deathbed conversion)
X: I......I-....
Y:Wh-What is it..?
X:I-... I need...
Y: What do you need? What can I do for you?
X: I need a ChaCha Beat boy
X: I......I-....
Y:Wh-What is it..?
X:I-... I need...
Y: What do you need? What can I do for you?
X: I need a ChaCha Beat boy
by youdonthavetoknow9 February 20, 2017
by Skfut on tiktok April 8, 2022
The unfortunate intestinal issue as a result of eating momo dumplings with brown soup in Kathmandu Nepal
Cub, Horse, and Ike had the momo chacha later that night after stopping at a dumpling house during their bicycle tour of the city
by El Diablo4eva April 1, 2024
To sit in a circle and and text ChaCha excessively on questions about life, love, and the pursuit of randomness. This usually ends in ChaCha becoming so busy, that it cannt reply to anyone's questions, creating mass destruction within the group.
by Whoosh Heart April 26, 2010