Another name for weed.(Relatively good at that)
"Hey John, got any cereal for this weekend?"
by vvd May 18, 2008
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JaJa: Xbox 360s went on a recall because Mexicans made it.
GenGen: Lolz... for cereal?
JaJa: yah
GenGen: pwned
by Rodolfo S.J, October 17, 2006
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A tasty breakfast treat. Goes good with milk or a yoohoo. Also tasty with a marinated steak tartar.
Your mother and I shared a yummy bowl of cereal.
by Rev. Reggie Dingleberry August 27, 2004
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"I'm totally cereal."
This word originated in the early 1990's, one day while I was talking to my kids, who were younger then. When talking about something serious I would say "I'm cereal", and they would respond with: "What kind?" My reply was almost always "Fruit Loops"
by IamTheFire August 5, 2008
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A very stupid way of saying "for real".

People who find this annoying phrase funny, or worse, actually use it in conversation, whether real or online, are complete and total retards.

It should also be noted that there is a positive correlation between how much you use this phrase and just how big of a retard you really are.

Person 1: "Hey, my grandma is a leprechaun!"
Person 2: "For cereal?"
Person 1: "No, yours is you retard."
by Johnny Mark McGroom February 16, 2009
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