1. A Carry who can get a good amount of farm, regardless the situation. Be it sacked in lane, or killed a lot of times, stable carry will find a way through. Also a carry that knows when to push and when to chase for kills

2. A carry who got stable connection and don't experience ping spikes or huge packet loss
1. I'm a more stable carry than you guys. I play objectives, and I don't waste my time to get unnecessary kills

2. XD
by Kudostoeverone March 30, 2018
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In the 1950's to come out and admit you are a lesbian was not accepted.
She won't admit it but she is a "card carrying clit licker."
by donnienyc April 5, 2012
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A colloqial expression from the Springfield Massachusetts area, one would use this to indicate being busy. In the 1890s, Carrie Pratt ran a brothel, and Saturday nights were busy, apparently.
by HistoryMemes4Life May 13, 2023
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A carried plat is someone who sucks at the game but has such good teamates that can carry him from gold to platinum elo.
Yo you see him over there he's a carried plat he has a .8 kd and sucks at the game.
by Xotic9280 October 27, 2020
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When a person carries around a dildo, vibrator, or sex toy around with them; usually discretely
Melissa is missile carrying while grabbing lunch @ work

Melissa is missile carrying while going to the store.
by xreyoflight July 10, 2017
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An individual, usually a bloke who walks with his arms out as if suffering from Imaginary Lat Syndrome. Arms held out away from the body as if carrying a pig, under each arm to be sold at the local market.
Look at this skinny clown at the bar - he’s carrying the pigs to market!
by echo-t2o-n9ne-on1 December 31, 2022
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To get revenge on someone by taking it out on their car. This is because in her song Before He Cheats she smashes a guys car.
I’m gonna pull a Carrie Underwood on him.”
by Hurricane 160 February 12, 2023
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