A dance that requires much skill and power. when done correctley it looks extremley awe-inspiring. only haterz make fun of breakdancing because they can't do it themselves.
by Chinky November 27, 2004
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A style of dancing that includes powermoves and some freezes from b-boying and other hip-hop moves that are copied from other people.

In 1980's, b-boying became popular and it was introduced as "breakdancing" in the news and stuff. Majority of the b-boys don't like that word and they prefer the original term, "breaking" or "b-boying".

Unlike b-boying, "breakdancing" doesn't require any music or beat. Sometimes, "breakdancers" will play random hip-hop music and they think they know what they are doing. Majority of these people can't dance freestyle and they will hesitate for long time unless they just do powermoves.
by 13333337 March 3, 2011
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a hip way of dancing, may be demonstrated by spinnning on ur head.
Im a gonna breakdance my way to the bathroom.
by Dr. T February 6, 2004
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a media term for bboying.
Bboying is a style of dance originated in the early 1970s in New York city and was mass published to the whole world in the movie "Flashdance" in 1983 which featured New York's hip-hop scene.

Bboying evolved from almost every dance, acrobatic and martial arts style such as: tap, jazz, capoeira, balkan, ballroom, folks style, shaolin kung-fu, circus, lindy hop, scottish, square and swing.

The word bboying itself, merged from the African word "boioing" which means to hop or jump, and what James Brown called the boys who hop in dance circles to the breaks of his song; "bboys."

Bboying is one of the 4 elements of the hip-hop culture.
It includes:

Tops and uprocks
and many more to be discovered....
Some of today's world bboying/breakdancing crews:
Rock Steady crew
Circus Runaways
Vicious Germz
Jive Turkeys
Massive Monkeez
Rock Force crew
Natural Effects
Terror Bunch
La Smala
Last 4 one
Masters of Mayhem
Flexible flaves
Phase T
LA Breakers
Zulu Kingz
Style Crax
King size
Dawn squad
and many more...
by cygnuz September 29, 2005
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Breakdance is also known as Bboying(break boying), it is one of the hiphop elements. Breakdance has alot of moves that we can show though toprocking, footwork, powermoves and our own style if we have one.
It has no real rules, as we can develope our own style and have our own way to breakdance. You can even use some of the martal arts, gymnastics etc. in breakdance.

Breakdance is an hard and a great dance.
franch & korea has alot of good breakdancers..
by Bboy some1.. March 25, 2008
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form of hip hop dancing said to be orginated from the bronx during the early 70's. dance includes toprocks, headspins, footwork, power moves, etc.

The term B-Boy means breakdancing boy. Breakdancing is breakDANCING. if u kno some moves but u cant dance then u jus doin a few tricks. real bboys know how to dance.
"damn he's goin off."
by Victor December 21, 2004
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also known as b-boying, the main aspect of the dance element of hip-hop, ahead of popping, locking, crumping etc. A dance created by afro-americans that evolved from popping and locking, which involves style, smoothness, strength and self-control. There are 2 aspects, style which is dependant on your own personal dancing style, consisting of toprock, footwork,, the way you transition moves and of course random disses towards opponents during battle. Power consists of the moves the public wants to see, spinning on heads, windmills, hopping around on one arm such as the hand hop or jackhammer etc. Current pioneers and present time legends include Kujo from the USA and B-boy Junior from France.
*starts off with a toprock which is immensely lame, goes for a sweep but makes a poor landing, reaks out into basic footwork including 6 and 4 step, before attempting a swipe on falling on ass* WOOO! I'M GOOD! OK, maybe I need some practice, dammit....
by Amputationz January 25, 2005
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