1 definition by 13333337
A style of dancing that includes powermoves and some freezes from b-boying and other hip-hop moves that are copied from other people.
In 1980's, b-boying became popular and it was introduced as "breakdancing" in the news and stuff. Majority of the b-boys don't like that word and they prefer the original term, "breaking" or "b-boying".
Unlike b-boying, "breakdancing" doesn't require any music or beat. Sometimes, "breakdancers" will play random hip-hop music and they think they know what they are doing. Majority of these people can't dance freestyle and they will hesitate for long time unless they just do powermoves.
In 1980's, b-boying became popular and it was introduced as "breakdancing" in the news and stuff. Majority of the b-boys don't like that word and they prefer the original term, "breaking" or "b-boying".
Unlike b-boying, "breakdancing" doesn't require any music or beat. Sometimes, "breakdancers" will play random hip-hop music and they think they know what they are doing. Majority of these people can't dance freestyle and they will hesitate for long time unless they just do powermoves.
by 13333337 March 3, 2011