In craps (dice), slang term for throwing two sixes (at total of twelve).
by The Doctor January 9, 2005
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To smoke massive ammounts of marijuana in multiple cars with the windows up and doors closed.
I do say Henry those cars in that unlit parking lot over yonder do appear to be box cars!
by Bradalicious August 9, 2005
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IF ya didn't notice guys, boxcar racer is an offspring of Blink, thats why they sound so similar, if you say boxcar racer sucks, then your saying Blink182 sucks.
by d'fo March 22, 2004
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A great alternative punk hard rock band that is cool
Yo dis album is the shizzie
by Lloyd Banks September 14, 2004
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an awesome band that has tom and travis from blink182, so all u morons that say they sound similar, think and notice ITS THE SAME GUY.
by thecableguy June 21, 2004
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basically a new project of Blink 182. hated by people who discriminate against other bands who are only trying to fulfill their dream and have a good time. personally, i think theyre a very good band - and anyone who has a problem with them should just step back and think why theyre taking the piss out of Boxcar / Blink for writing about being different - because at least theyre doing something that they enjoy rather than moaning about people trying to fit in and are "preps" and "posers". in my opinion, Boxcar Racer are a very good band. :)
by Katie Deli December 2, 2003
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1. the route blink was supposed to take.
2. wut blink was supposed to sound like
3. everything blink wasn't.
Dude: I got a Box Car Racer shirt.
Beth: Cool
by Bethany182rwj November 16, 2003
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