N:/ A word that is used in cases where a person does not know the exact gender of a baby (since we all know they look the same), and when said quietly or in the mumbled fashion, the new parents will either think you said 'boy' or 'girl', whichever they want to hear.

Problem solved!
New parents- "Hey Dale! Look at our new child! Omigod!"

Dale- "What a beautiful baby um...borl!"

New parents- "Yeah we know! She'll make a great wife someday!"

Dale- "Oh! Okay. I get it now."
by datingsitepredator November 20, 2011
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A shortening of the phrase "boys and girls" to be used as an easier callout.
What's up BORLS?
by BorlsClub February 19, 2022
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Borl a combination of both boy and girl that is used to describe a person who looks boyish and resembles a girl. Its easier to call some a Borl instead of a boy/girl.
Tia: is that a boy or girl i cant tell

Kylia: Oh, that's a Borl!!!

Tom: That girl is ugly...if it is a girl

Kevin: Eww.... definitely a Borl
by omgitsunbelieveable May 31, 2011
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47 year old broadway actor, self proclaimed egg, top tier singer❗️❗️❗️
me: yo did you see christian borle?
friend: no? why?
me: well he shaved his egg and now he looks like an egg
friend: oh wow he went from looking like the flushed away rat to humpty dumpty
by craphole dikrats April 3, 2021
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A very kind name and lots of people who have the last name Borle has French or German ancestors.

But people who say Borl, SHOULD FUCKING BRON IN HELL!
Tim: Oh hey Jimmy, are you coming to Borles party?
Jimmy: Yeah are you?
Tim: Yeah!
by Gibson the sexy dog June 26, 2023
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