
Something for men to look at while women talk to them
( . Y . ) = ideal boobs.

"damn that girls got some nice boobs"
by Leggiooo January 21, 2009
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Congratulations, you're perverted enough to look this word up. *Slowly claps*
No, I'm not telling you what "boobs" means.
by (◉ᴥ◉) July 2, 2018
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Objects located on Women that will be soon used to take over the world.
Conspiracy Theorist: One day, Women will take over the world, and they'll use those boobs of theirs to control us into doing it!

Nerd: Finally!
by Triviate March 23, 2011
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Something to look at when talking to women
Wow Jully has some nice boobs!
by Master of dabating March 27, 2008
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Male hypnotizers
(girl) So let's go see that new chick flick tonight.
(guy) .......boobs... uh agsfdhs I mean yes.
by Emooo kid 3000 December 28, 2010
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Soft, squishy, just perfect, in every mans deams
Her boobs were just sitting there as she sat, and as she stood up to walk to her next class, they jiggled, while running to her next class, they bounced and moved in all ways possible. She wasn't wearing a bra, she walks into your next class and sits by you, where you stare at them the whole time.
by Blackwrx000 September 4, 2013
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Things on a woman's chest that seduce a man to do whatever the woman wants.
Woman: "Can I have $1000 for these new shoes?"

Man: "Hell NO why do you need shoes that cost that much of my fucking money?"

Woman: (Flashes her boobs) "Now can I have the money?"

Man: "Here take my credit card"

Man: (Realizes what he has done) "GOD DAMMIT I hate it when she does that, now I have no credit card for about two weeks, and I will have to owe even more money to the credit card company but damn I love playing with them"
by Dylan Alvarez January 24, 2010
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