A sport or game where the opponents are legally allowed to draw blood, severely injure or kill the opponent as the objective of the sport.
Fox hunting and deathmatch are GREAT examples of bloodsport, unfortunatley you can only lose once, shame.
by hex_ten January 21, 2005
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A decent fighting movie based around actual events. Stars Jean Cluade Van Damme
by Gumba Gumba February 22, 2004
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Rule 1 - two or more people flick a coin
Rule 2 - whoever stops the coin rotating after they flick it puts their knuckles on the table
Rule 3 - the winner slams the coin into the losers knuckles

Repeat until one person gives up or Dies.
oh fuck man go easy
by Glockenspiel000 November 3, 2007
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In BDSM; refers to play involving bloodshed such as cutting the skin, piercing it with hygenic needles, or sometimes whipping to the point of breaking the skin. Sometimes includes consuming the blood, but this is considered a health risk and isn't as common.
Most couples are willing to try a little light bondage, but usually only serious sadomasochists participate in bloodsports.
by Aileen April 21, 2003
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To have oral sex and/or sexual intercourse with a female during her period. It can also be expressed as "The Bloodsport."
Anybody is sick if they're down with the bloodsport.
by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant July 5, 2005
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engaging in sexula play during monthy period
sorry luv not into bloodsports
by hb April 4, 2003
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