A slang term popular in the garden route area of South Africa. While this word has no meaning, any noun can be replaced with it, this results in the sentence loosing all of it's meaning and becoming a verbal shitpost. Bice can also be exclaimed on it's own for pure comedic effect.
by Lizard_cunt August 23, 2018
by baucex2 June 21, 2011
To be bitchy and nice at the same time.
To make statements that could be considered both nice and bitchy.
To make statements that could be considered both nice and bitchy.
"I was being "Bice" when i invited her to lunch. I can't stand her"
"Your tone was very "Bice" just now."
"Your tone was very "Bice" just now."
by kcas1109 August 7, 2014
A close male friend that could be interchangeably used with "bro" or "brother." Only used to signify the very best of friends who's stature is comparable to a family member.
by ltwhiteagle January 3, 2012
by Njmpc May 10, 2020
BICing is the act of pocketing ones Bic lighters without them knowing it or realizing they don't have it.
The only rule of the game is if the owner asks if you have their lighter and say the right color then you must give it back to them.
The only rule of the game is if the owner asks if you have their lighter and say the right color then you must give it back to them.
by Trippin Hippie November 20, 2014
Associated with the fact that people tend to jack bic lighters
Biced is when your bic just got BUCKED
Biced is when your bic just got BUCKED
by Wyatt K. May 15, 2008