In light of recent events...Cristiano Ronaldo is an UTTER BELLEND!
Rooney: "Oi! I know you've got a lot of making up to do, but please mind your teeth on my bellend Ronaldo!"
Rooney: "Oi! I know you've got a lot of making up to do, but please mind your teeth on my bellend Ronaldo!"
by Cristiano Ronaldo July 8, 2006
1) UK slang insult used in the same way as "dickhead" or "prick".
2) A violent, stupid, or contemptible person.
2) A violent, stupid, or contemptible person.
by whitetrash jim August 18, 2008
your such a bellender
by 80's Muff July 25, 2003
by john john john June 22, 2006
unit of measurement.
by giraffeheart March 12, 2012
Repeatedly posting the same promotional message to many individuals on social networks. This is usually done by mentioning their Twitter username, followed by a plea to check out their project. Heavily discouraged and easily noticeable by scrolling down their previous posts.
by senordug March 3, 2015