by jonny1235643 May 17, 2009
by Kwisp June 11, 2020
A word that is made for someone. A word that is not accepted by the English language but is used commonly by a lot of people but not in the dictionary.
by sonicjj98 November 29, 2012
A word that can be used to describe someone who is just to out of this world gorgeous to be called simply beautiful
by Bl45 January 19, 2021
Get the beautifuler mug.
I am beautifuler than you
by thicccccc boy October 10, 2019
shortened for "more beautiful"
The girl is beautifuller than that girl!
"You are beautifuller than the rest"
"My Girlfriend is beautifuller than any other girl"
"You are beautifuller than the rest"
"My Girlfriend is beautifuller than any other girl"
by JohnPierce November 12, 2012