Batman & Robin

1. Gay duo 2. Batman gives and Robin receives Pitching & Catching
The film "Brokeback Mountain" was about a Batman & Robin.
by MOCO & P-Phat May 29, 2010
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Batman And Robin

Dude! Did you see that S&M film last night? It was like watching Batman And Robin all over again!
by Paul Newman February 8, 2004
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Batman And Robin

Either a term for a gay couple, or a man and a very young boy whom you suspect are engaging in sexual intercourse. If you spot the latter please report it to the local authorities.
Dude, I'm calling the cops cuz I see Batman and Robin, and Batman's grabbing Robin's ass!
by Steve22 September 7, 2005
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Batman and Robin

Guy 1: Dude, did you see Batman and robin?

Guy 2: Yeah, that movie fucking sucks
by SpasticMicrophone April 15, 2014
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Batman and Robin

A male homosexual couple characterized by a very masculine man(Batman) and a very effeminate man (Robin).
Batman and Robin:

Robin: Oh Batman, your big muscles and Batmobile are so fabulous!

Batman: Thanks, Robin, but let's keep this affair on the DL.
by oiadubn May 16, 2007
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batman and robin

Soo fucking gay. Batman and Robing is the gayest shit of all time
by manningsgay September 24, 2006
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Batman And Robin

Due to loneliness Jorge is interested in becoming a third party in a batman and robin sexcapades.
by red21dragon January 21, 2005
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