by NightHawk923 January 15, 2017
by BuddyCarol April 28, 2008
by Silver, Glitz, gold, BLISS July 23, 2016
(While walking through an old, abandoned house)
Mark- "Dude there is garbage everywhere"
Sheiswan- "I know, the old bag of bones that owned this place didn't know how to throw anything away"
Mark- "Look, an old yo-gurt cup. Its 'Fruit on the bottom"
Sheiswan- "I hate fruit on the bottom of yo-gurt. Mix that shit up"
Mark- "Dude there is garbage everywhere"
Sheiswan- "I know, the old bag of bones that owned this place didn't know how to throw anything away"
Mark- "Look, an old yo-gurt cup. Its 'Fruit on the bottom"
Sheiswan- "I hate fruit on the bottom of yo-gurt. Mix that shit up"
by The_Buddy November 15, 2011