Abbreviation for bull shitting. Usually the slang term for bull shit is “bs”. So bsn is bull shittIN. It makes perfect sense.
I’m bsn right now, I got mad homework to do.
by Erikboyz December 5, 2020
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Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition

The best shit you can buy on the market!
BSN True-Mass is so delicious bro, I swear it tastes just like cake batter!
by iBJocking January 30, 2012
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Bakk Street Niggaz!!
BSN are da Hottest younng Niggaz in town an yall cant Fuk wit dem theyre also known around Texas an very popular but get straightt to da moneyy Kuz dey known to Finesse!!👿👑
by BSN da GaNg February 7, 2019
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BSN are the realest niggas out there to keep it real with yall lil bitches💯💯
by 874402 February 7, 2019
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Bakk Street Niggaz!!
BSN are da Hottest younng Niggaz onnat shitt an yall cant Fuk wit dem theyre also known around Texas an very popular but get straightt to da moneyy Kuz dey Known to Finesse!!👿👑
by BSN da GaNg February 7, 2019
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somewhere beyond regular nuts, out near the "I love me" vests
did you see that guy jump?
yeah BSN that one.
by GaelicGrime January 3, 2011
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by BSN_Caillou December 5, 2020
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