by 1010G <h1>hey</h1> November 9, 2019
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"...went into the cheap B&B, when I pulled back my sheets to get on into bed found a dead woman there. So I come downstairs an' I throw her at the manager..."
-George the Angry Redneck
by Fugerko.? December 7, 2003
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Boob to Belly Ratio.

Applies to both women and men. Scientists however have not come up with an optimal numerical number for such ratio, but are working with mice.
Times are dangerous. With the cold weather, all the layers of clothing are clouding our judgment and views of the B to B and L to L ratios.
by KaptainKorea December 18, 2010
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When we stayed at the B and B in rural England, the owners kept trying to sell the building to us.
by Samantha Smythe June 29, 2005
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Shorthand phrase for "In the butt, no babies," referring to the use of anal sex as contraceptive.
Noah: "Aren't you worried about knockin' her up?"
Karl: "Nah, brah! In the b, no b's!"
Noah: Werd!
by Capt. Fantasy August 18, 2006
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"Cool beans" emoticon, rarely used outside of a few social groups, this is the "Thumbs-Up Jesus" of emoticons.
Chris: "Whassup Terrell? I just got that GoW3 baby! Woot!"
Terrell: "Gratz! (b^~^)b"
by BassMZero February 25, 2011
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