
Oh when you think of Arsi you think oh god but she's actually that one person who will change your life Arsi will stick with you no matter what you have done to her Arsi will always put you first Arsi will spoil you with gifts she's a very smart girl but Arsi has her flaws Arsi can be a big ball hog but other than that an Arsi will make you smile because she'll stick with you to the end Arsi means gold which symbolizes her blonde hair Arsis have green or blue eyes
Oh god arsi but we love her .
Yes ,yes we do .
by Oh its lit November 10, 2018
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a type of fat that is stored in your stomach
to keep you warm
Boy: oh my god my stomach is large..ihave too much arsi in me, i need liposuction
Boy 2: we carnt afford liposuction.. we need to get weed first mon
by KylieStripTeaser January 1, 2009
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The upward stroke when conducting (in music), the upbeat.

The name of an American technical death metal band that has released 3 studio albums and one EP, the latest album having been released just this year entitled We Are The Nightmare. Arsis doesn't seem to be very well-known but they are a very skilled group of musicians with unique style and strong vocals.
A: Hey dude have you heard of Arsis?
B: No.
A: Aw man they're really good. Listen to "Sadistic Motives Behind Bereavement," "We Are The Nightmare," "Dust And Guilt," "Carnal Ways To Recreate The Heart," "Overthrown," and "A Diamond For Disease."
by darkesideofthepaul July 1, 2008
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the fanbase or adoptive children of user Yoongisarson on instagram, arsies are the loyal followers of the meme page Yoongisarson. Arsies are often also part of the globally renowned Han Cult (founded by Yoongisarson) and multiply at times, eventually they will dominate the world
Oh you’re an Arsie? Me too!

I love Arsies!!!
by yuqisluvrrrr March 9, 2023
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when people are being arses, similar to dickishness
He hated the arsiness of his friends
by kalydescope eyes August 3, 2012
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Arsie is a guy who is a sporty person and has a goddess c##k who a girl could ever imagine but Arsie is a person games all day and he would never ever miss a moment with the fucking tv
Arsie is sporty , Arsie is has a huge c##k, Arsie never misses a moment with the tv
by Randomly dudes July 9, 2020
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Beloved, fandom of Yoongisarson, also known as Mommy Kate.
Arsies are the sweetest fandom!!
by junies_h03 March 17, 2023
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