Aris is a very rare name. People with the name "Aris" are most often female, that is why meeting a male named "Aris" is quite a spectacle. You should never let go of a person named "Aris". Keep them close to you and never let them go. They are the most understanding people in the world. They have kind hearts and often put others before themselves. They are very generous and forgiving. They are intelligent, cunning, hot, handsome/beautiful, sexy, cool, good dressers, give good hugs, and good with words. They are often serious and give off the first impression of being rather boring, but they are the most interesting once you get to know them. They know how to make you laugh even when you are sad and are the most caring individuals. They are also master at easing situational tension by humiliating themselves to make everyone happy. They are good at analyzing situations and thinking on their feet. They are the best listeners and advice givers. Good at sports, but the best in bed. They also have very kind eyes and a gentle touch that gets anyone to feel loved. They are most often very slender and petite, and look rather weak.
Genie: You have one more wish

Dude: Okay, that's an easy one. I wish I were an Aris.

Genie: Well, Too Bad!! I'm a genie, not a miracle worker. You're not that special.
by pizzaman52 December 17, 2009
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The most underappreciated name of all time that can be masculine just as well as feminine, damn it!
Today I'm hanging out with my brother Ari. He's pretty manly and muscular. And hot.
by TheMavix December 2, 2015
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Any unofficial street view coverage taker on Google Maps.

The meme arose in the GeoGuessr community from Ari Immonen, a guy who covered half of Finland for his road maintenance company. This left half of Finland unplayable in the game, as the coverage goes over the official Google coverage and the official one is unable to be selected from it in the user created maps. The unofficial coverage on Google Maps isn't as playable as the official one since the moving is very slow and the pictures aren't as high quality as the official ones, so it led to the discomfort of the players and map makers, thus creating the Ari meme.
There's a new Ari in Palau.
The Cameroon Ari covered only a few streets. Step up mate!
The Zimbabwe Ari made some coverage in northern Canada. Oh, my god!
by Alok37 July 31, 2019
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A goddess. These are super fun and outgoing ppl but can also be cold and introverted. They have this FIRE in them which keeps em motivated to do shit. Their aura is redddd and fiery. These are compatible with Leos, sagittarius, aquarius, gemini(in my personal opinion, I as an aries just cant do well with Geminis tbh) and Libras tooo. They are short and have a really 'mazin' body!
Guy 1: damn she's so confident and charming ✨✨
Guy 2 : yeahh, she definitely must be an ARIES.
by Coke bottle body. January 22, 2022
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The cutest, sweetest, prettiest and nicest girl you've ever seen.
by Rayrayray22 November 8, 2011
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A beautiful outgoing girl who might be shy at first. Smart, sweet, and funny. Loves to be around people, and loves to make people laugh. Over all great friend, and a great listener.
Person 2: "I know Im such an Arys!"
by Hiyathere May 29, 2013
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A great friend you should try your best to keep. He will cheer you up when you are sad. He will always try his best and be very brave. Ari is a epic person who is usualy nice and kind to friends. He will help when needed to other people/friends. He will always try to make you laugh and he would tell jokes. He will always make you smile.
Me names Ari
by d00d00monkey November 3, 2019
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